Off topic - stumped

Dean Pappas d.pappas at
Tue Feb 8 18:57:08 AKST 2005

Oh Boy!
So back when the Team Trials were in Oregon, I built a coffin-sized box to accept my plane which did not have  a removeable stab. Of course, being a modeller, it had to have an "acceptable" finish. At the airport. there was a bit of confusion about where in the airport I was supposed to submit this box, as I got some mis-info ... Dad, who came along on that trip, was standing with the box while I got the van out of long-term parking for the ride to the freight counter at the North end of the field. I returned just in time to see him talking to an elderly couple from about fifty feet away. He looked wistfully at the box, took his hat off, and the lady he was talking to crossed herself! He was so naughty! Then the counter-person asked me some pointed questions about what was really in the box. Like I said, Oh Boy!

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: discussion-request at on behalf of John Ferrell 
	Sent: Tue 2/8/2005 6:02 PM 
	To: discussion at 
	Subject: Re: Off topic - stumped
	I wonder if there are special rates for coffins?
	John Ferrell    

		----- Original Message ----- 
		From: Alan Hewson <mailto:alan at>  
		To: NSRCA List <mailto:discussion at>  
		Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 9:38 PM
		Subject: Off topic - stumped

		I just got a new e-powered foamy/Shock Flyer airplane and I also just got two plane tickets to Florida.
		I can't seem to fit this plane in my suitcase. 
		Can these planes be folded in two or something? 
		Suggestions PLEASE!!!!!!!!
		Alan Hewson
		Cold in Canada

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