Cataract final thoughts

Ron Van Putte vanputte at
Wed Aug 24 17:21:58 AKDT 2005

On Aug 24, 2005, at 8:12 PM, Steven Maxwell wrote:

>  Went to day to get my final follow up for my cataracts, and they are 
> perfect 20/20 both eyes and dead center on both lens, both are set for 
> distance, so reading glasses are a must, what I didn't know was 2 
> things in about 18 months scar tissue will form the back side of the 
> lens which will hamper vision some but it is a out patience laser 
> office visit that fixes it for good, the other thing is these aren't 
> normal lens replacements because I fly Dr. Rader told me of a military 
> group that done test with pilots with perfect vision but some could 
> see planes in the distance better than others and from a far greater 
> distance, it's called contrast density, which my lens have, I can 
> attest to this as the Army base next to our field has been flying the 
> UAV's the last couple of weeks, I was the only one out of a group of 5 
> that could keep track and find them well before anyone else.
>  I would highly recommend Dr. Rader to anyone that needs there eyes 
> taken care of, one thing he did mention was always wear UV and 
> reflective lens he really likes Maui Jim's in amber.that has 
> reflective but is graduated with less in the middle, a little pricey 
> but may try anyway.

I'm glad to hear another success story about cataract surgery.  I would 
not be flying R/C aerobatics if not for the cataract surgeries I had in 
the fall of 1999 and spring of 2000, not that I'm any threat to the 
'top dogs'.

Ron Van Putte
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