160DZ New problem

adriancwong at earthlink.net adriancwong at earthlink.net
Sun Aug 7 15:12:14 AKDT 2005

Checking temp by touching the valve cover should be able to tell you whether it is running too lean or not. These engines doesn't like to run slobbering rich, even when it is new


-----Original Message-----
From: Ronald Filteau <filteau at sasktel.net>
Sent: Aug 7, 2005 6:40 PM
To: NSRCA Pattern List <discussion at nsrca.org>
Subject: 160DZ New problem

Hi folks

Got it started finally.   

Now when I am breaking in the engine I run up the engine.  It runs for a while rich setting.  Lot of oil come out the pipe.  It runs for a minute.  I idle it up and down then the engine just quites run at High end.  Is this because it is to rich.

about 8000 rpms.  


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