More Revolution Questions

Rcmaster199 at Rcmaster199 at
Thu Oct 14 19:10:17 AKDT 2004

Dan, If your Rev Pro came with fiberglass beams you can use it as is,  except 
change the front lord mounts to the larger size. Mc master Carr carries  the 
one size larger you will need. Also you will need to epoxy the mounting  bolts 
into the beams. If yours has the aluminum beams as mine does, it is much  
easier. To be safe, I added an additional nose ring to mine vertically as my  
friend Gary did with his. Gary runs a 140 L and I run the webra 160. No  
problems. The Hyde mount is not necessary.
The stock phenolic horns are fine but use the MK ball bearing clevises.  Gary 
mounted two servos in the tail for elevator control and I went with the Nat  
Penton method of twin carbon push rods. For those of you that don't know it,  
this was a Nat idea from about 25 years ago. 
For aileron servos, both Gary and I made cut outs in the panels, installed  
ply mounts and installed the servos as we do any other aileron servo in any  
other wing: output shaft and servo wheel just above the skin.
good luck

I have just recently purchased a Revolution Pro. I have not  started the 
assembly yet, I have a few questions that I want to get the  answers to before I 
start. I am hoping that someone will read this that has  one or knows somebody 
who does. 

1st. The model comes with an engine  mount already installed. It says that it 
 is a soft mount and is designed for a 140 2c or 4c. I am kind of unsure of 
the  way the mount looks. I am going to be using a YS140 Sport. I have seen 
them  run at idle and they can really shake. I was thinking of using a Hyde ARIS  
mount. Has anyone mounted one of these on this plane before. It is a 
composite  air frame and didn't know how well it would work. 

2nd. The model comes  with _control horns_ 
(  already installed ( composite arms ) I want to  
use MK horns & clevises. I know that I can cut off the horns that are on  
there now, the directions say that you can do this. I didn't see or missed  where 
it said that it was ok to drill a hole in the control surfaces to put  the 
horns in. I am concerned that there might not be a hard mount in the wing  to 
mount the horn to. I don't want to cut off the originals until I get an  answer 
on this. 

3rd. If you have put together an impact or Revolution  then you know where 
the servos are mounted in the wings. For those who  haven't seen it yet I will 
try to describe it as close as I can. The servos is  mounted on it's side with 
the arm protruding out from behind or inside the  skin on the wing. They are 
mounted in the 3rd or 4th wing spar in, about 12 or  so inches from the wing 
root. HOW THE HELL DO YOU GET THEM IN THERE??????? I  think that I have figured 
out how to put in the _screws_ 
(  but how do you put the servo in its place?? This one  has me 
racking my brain. 

I am sure that I will come up with a ton more  questions but that is all that 
I can think of right now. Any help on this  would really be appreciated. 

Thank you for all the help. 

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