Partner and Lazulite elevators

Troy A. Newman troy_newman at
Tue Nov 9 18:51:44 AKST 2004

Partner and Lazulite elevatorsI found the Smaragd elevators to be extremely effective. The smaller elevators on the Partner and Lazulite reflect this. I would use the smaller ones. I have flown both models with stock elevators and the models DO NOT lack elevator authority. I feel its an improvement over the Smaragd.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Koenig, Tom 
  To: Discussion 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 8:44 PM
  Subject: Partner and Lazulite elevators

  Hi again all, 

  Owners of the Pl Partner and Lazulites, I would like your thoughts. 

  Before I finish the stabs and elevators, I am somewhat concerned at the very small elevators found on these models. I've seen one Partner fly and the owner suggested to DEFINATELY enlarge the elevators. I tend to agree...but who am I to argue with Quique and the Matt's design philosophy.

  If the consensus is to make them bigger, then I will, as sofar I'm not comfortable with their current size. 

  Thanks for any ideas. 

  best regards 


  PS: If any of you have been cruising on any Aussie sites recently....the guy who just had his behind kicked at our State champs and W/C team trials...was NOT me ( he just happens to look like me, have the same name and job, seems to be married to the same woman....OK..... OK it was me, I admit it !)

  Shall we just say I had a shocker of a weekend ? 

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