Results are IN!!! Houston TX area 402 Pattern Shootout/Grudge Match

richard.lewis richard.lewis at
Mon Nov 8 05:33:44 AKST 2004

Well for anyone interested...

The Houston Area 402 Pattern Shootout/Grudge Match was fantastic...The
weather was beautiful - low 70's, Low humidity. Wind blowing in at about
5-10 MPH.

We had a really fun group of compettors and everyone seemed to have a good
time.  No-one had any equipment problems, it was truly a test of
flying skills among the some great competitors.

We flew the four rounds in similar fashion to any other Pattern meet and
dropped the lowest round for each competitor.  The fourth round was a really
nice unknown sequence that Don Ramsey created for us.  Flying an unknown
sequence was a little scary, but in the end it was an exciting challenge for
everyone and they seemed to enjoy it.

The results were as follows:

Mark Hunt - 3000
David Greisens - 2879
Martin Stohr - 2869
Chuck Hockhalter - 2802
Richard Lewis - 2755
Jim Sheffield - 2670
Tommy Scarmado - 2434
Steve Mintor - 1458

Mark won all four rounds and kicked our A$$es soundly...
David is a serious threat and seems to be getting better every time we see
Martin is going to be tough next season, because he flies almost every day
and is coming up to speed rapidly...
Chuck was pretty solid and with his new 2M ride next season, he's going to
be hard to beat...
I flew my usual inconsistencies and it shows, I need to burn some fuel to
get in the game with these guys...
Jim flew well, just didn't seem to have his "A" game with him...perhaps he
left it in the bottom of a Margarita glass Saturday night (Great Party
Tommy flew all unknown rounds - Sunday was his first time ever to fly the
intermediate sequence and he really did a good job.
Steve Mintor (a very new Sportsman flyer) missed round one and did not fly
the unknowns, but showed real heart just for wanting to fly.

The unknowns were as follows:

Stall Turn with 1/4 up and down, exit upright (C)
Immelman with 2/4 exit upright (T)
Reverse Triangle Loop, exit upright (C)
Bunt no rolls, exit inverted (T)
Square loop with 1/2 roll on top, exit upright (C)
Humpty Bump 1/4 up and down, exit upright (T)
Top Hat with 1/2 rolls in verticals, exit upright (C)
Figure 9, 1/2 roll up, pull over top, exit upright (T)
2/4 point roll, exit inverted (C)
Figure 9, 1/2 roll down, push over top, exit inverted (T)
Double Immelman, 1/2 roll on top, no roll out, exit upright (C)
Half Square with 1/2 roll up, exit upright (T)
45 degree down, positive snap roll, exit upright (C)

This sequence was very well done.  The figure nines really make this
sequence a nice presentation.

Thanks to Don Ramsey and John Forrestere(sp?) again for taking time to come
out and judge for us...

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