[SPAM] RE: Engine Cleaning

Larry Krutz lkrutz at thevillages.net
Tue May 4 15:50:07 AKDT 2004

This stuff sounds great. The only method I have found up until now is the antifreeze in the crockpot trick, which works very well, but takes time etc. I will try it ASAP!  LK
Larry and Diane Krutz-- The Villages, FL

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dean Pappas 
  To: discussion at nsrca.org 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 9:55 AM
  Subject: [SPAM] RE: Engine Cleaning

  Thanks Earl,
  I have given up on finding any more Sunbeam Waffle Iron Cleaner!
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Earl Haury [mailto:ehaury at houston.rr.com]
    Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 6:59 PM
    To: Discussion List, NSRCA
    Subject: Engine Cleaning

    I've stumbled across what appears to be an outstanding product for cleaning crud from engines, both external and internal. The stuff is "Power Dissolver" from Dawn (available at the local grocery store), it's designed to be used on cooking utensils, grills, etc. and is washed off with water. 

    I decided to try it on the internals of an engine that was pretty cruddy. The directions say to spray it on and wait 10-15 minutes before washing it off with water. I found that it worked in a minute or two, a light brushing with a bristle brush removes carbon from the piston top, combustion chamber, and exhaust valve. A quick rinse with water and blow dry resulted in shiny, new appearing parts. 

    It has a mild citric odor that's not unpleasant. The label describes the contents as a "biodegradable alkaline cleaning agent", so I would expect that it might darken aluminum / brass parts is soaked too long.

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