Artistic Aerobatics and future thinking

Rcmaster199 at Rcmaster199 at
Sat Jan 24 19:35:05 AKST 2004

We in the NSRCA are trying to do precisely that as we speak.
 The AMA Aerobatics Contest Board does not necessarily agree with our 
schedules or approach

Matt K

> Subj:Re: Artistic Aerobatics and future thinking 
> Date:1/24/2004 12:47:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
> From:adam.g at
> Reply-to:discussion at
> To:discussion at
> Sent from the Internet 
> I think Eric has a good idea by making the pattern more controlled by 
> those who fly it.  Another way to accomplish this is to allow the pilot 
> to become more involved.  Am I the only one who has noticed that some of 
> the most frequently asked questions are about rule changes, proposals, 
> and the time schedule of the whole thing?  As the SIG in AMA for 
> precision aerobatics, it seems this should be a function of the 
> website.  Not a big change, but if we think a degree of 
> dynamism is going to make pattern more enjoyable (which I think it can 
> without sacrificing its existing qualities), this seems a useful step.  
> Maybe district websites could have monthly polls where pilots in the 
> district vote for the upcoming contest's unknown maneuver (though a vote 
> of hands at the pilots meeting should probably decide it).
> How about an Unknown class at the Nats?  Open to anyone, fly two rounds, 
> one pattern, a little easier than the World's unknowns to make it 
> possible for many to fly (no three opposite rolls rolling circle), and 
> fly it twice to make improvement important.  Sounds like more fun than 
> AA to me.

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