servo selections

Wayne Galligan wgalligan at
Thu Jan 15 07:02:18 AKST 2004

I  would hate to think what would happen to my Mintor 1.70 powered plane if it was stuck on high throttle.  Can you say WARP SPEED.... beam my up Scotty.

I had a problem with the HiTec mini servo, the cheap one. I went to the ball bearing version and it has served me well.  
I am one of those that has moved up from the coreless Futaba 9101 and 9202 and FMA coreless . 
The difference I have noticed is in these after changing servo's in these area's areas. These are just my personal viewpoints and opinions.

1. Rudder 8411 digital.   For normal pattern flying probably really not needed.  For extreme knife edge maneuvers it is a must with its holding power. Good centering qualities.
2. Ailerons  9411 digital converted to nylon gear(smooth operation and minimal wear compared to metal gears).   These are the midsize and fit good in the wing and are a little lighter then std size servo.  The crisp response on these is noticeable now that I am in advanced and doing snaps.  
3. Elevator  8417 digital.   Extremely fast servo. More noticeable control when doing snaps.  Good centering.

The coreless servo's worked great but I have learned these things by trail and error and though good advise from many people (BTW thanks to those who know me).  But for the money the coreless 9101 and 9202 are very good servo's and I still use them.  I tried the FMA coreless and although they are plenty powerful they lacked good centering and the pots would wear quickly.

Wayne Galligan

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Patternrules at 
  To: discussion at 
  Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 9:04 AM
  Subject: Re: servo selections

   Mark how long can you fly when your linkage comes off at to high a throttle setting to land but not enough to really use much fuel?  LOL 

  Steve Maxwell
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