Longer Days

george kennie geobet at gis.net
Wed Dec 22 11:40:23 AKST 2004

Hey, I went to the mall to finish up some last minute Christmas errands
and the temp on the bank flasher was a balmy 53 degrees. Sure felt like
summer after Monday's 7 degree high. It was killing me 'cause I still
have the Javelin in the back of the car.Wind was hovering right around 3
mph,  aarrrgh!

Rcmaster199 at aol.com wrote:

>  Well, it's 72, sunny and low wind today in Jax. I think I'll treat
> myself and go flying. You'ze guys in the north, eat your hearts out.
> Heh, heh MattK In a message dated 12/22/2004 8:45:40 AM Eastern
> Standard Time, pizzaalt at concentric.net writes:
>      From:Bob Pastorello
>      To:NSRCA
>      Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 5:11 AM
>      Subject: Longer Days
>       Well, guys, it happened.  We lived through the shortest
>      day, and now we're heading back to the longer, sun-filled
>      flying days. They'll be here before we know it, now!!!
>      Happy Winter Solstice!!! Sping's comin' !!!!!!!!!!
>      Bob Pastorello
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