JR 10X

Bill Glaze billglaze at triad.rr.com
Tue Dec 21 17:56:40 AKST 2004

I've had no problems in past years getting 347's, 388's, 8103's.  Dealer 
had to order them, but they took no longer than the usual 72 meg. 
units.  Bill Glaze

Gordon Anderson wrote:

> I tried to buy a JR 10X from Horizon on a ham frequency (channel 0, 
> 50.800MHz). I was put on backorder then called in a few days later and 
> told it was in stock and would ship. Three days later I was called 
> again and told they messed up and it was not in stock.
> I was wondering if any of you have purchased on ham bands from the JR 
> retailers and can let me know how hard this will be to get, or if any 
> of the big retailers stock ham frequencies.
> Thanks!
> --Gordon
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