Bill Glaze billglaze at triad.rr.com
Mon Dec 13 13:57:19 AKST 2004

A statement was made in this discussion group,  about the TBLP system 
not being for ranking judges, but for scoring pilots.  I believe this 
statement to be in error.
Either that, or I have misunderstood the meaning of the statement.
In actuality, it (Tarasov-Bauer-Long-Penteado) is used to determine 
which judges may or may not fall outside a "window" of scoring.  It is 
used to identify, in any given contest, those judges who are outside the 
"norm."  It is explicitly stated* that "In case you judges are concerned 
this process corrupts your rankings, when the scores are normalized in 
this manner to remove stylistic differences between judges, THE RELATIVE 
 It further states that "in world championships where ten (10) judges 
are used, it is not uncommon to see three (3) or even four (4) judges 
deleted from a pilot's flight scores."  I believe that these statements 
indicate that the judges are, in fact, the ones being judged.
It is a fairly rigorous mathematical exercise and points out those 
judges who may not be scoring contestants in a manner consistent with 
good judging practices.
This book makes very interesting reading.  Underlying it all is that 
even with the full size aircraft, and  world class competitors, in a 
sport many years old, the participants and executives are still even now 
concerned with judging.  And wisely so.

*International Aerobatic Club Official Contest Rules (Red Book) appendix 
II, P. 141-147 As modified 1999

Bill Glaze

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