Focus II setup question

Ed White edvwhite at
Sat Aug 14 06:42:44 AKDT 2004

I started with +/- 14 deg on aileron, +/- 15 deg on
elevator, and pretty much all I could get on rudder. 
This got me pretty close.  I increased the down
elevator a bit (for the inverted spin entry) but
didn't go back and measure it.  Lotsa expo, especially
on rudder.  If you go to the Focus II building thread
on RC Universe, there are some throw recommendations
there, but they're pretty close.  Start in this range
and tune for personal preference.

Its a great airplane.


--- "Fletcher, Richard" <Richard.Fletcher at>

> Does anyone know the deflection amounts for this
> plane? I would like the
> throws for the elev, ail and rud for initial setup.
> I plan to fly Masters.
> Thanks, Rich 
> =====================================
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