Shaking Up Fuel Bottles?
Ron Van Putte
vanputte at
Mon Sep 22 14:35:46 AKDT 2003
Wayne Galligan wrote:
> Or is it? "We have this vast infinite wealth of useless knowledge"
I have been saving that 'half vast' line for a long time, hoping someone
would give me a straight line.
This 'shaking the fuel jug' idea is a lot like the castor oil versus
synthetic oil arguments we all hear. After a while, I decided to treat
it like someone else's religion and not mess with it. You can't
convince the other guy and you might make an enemy.
BTW, isn't vast and infinite redundant? Kind of like saying,
"opinionated Pattern pilot"?
Ron Van Putte
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ron Van Putte <mailto:vanputte at>
> To: discussion at <mailto:discussion at>
> Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 5:09 PM
> Subject: Re: Shaking Up Fuel Bottles?
> Don Livermore wrote:
>> Thanks for your information about "shaking" the fuel jugs before
>> using. As usual you all have a vast knowledge of a lot of
>> things....Don
> Yeah, some of us have vast knowledge on subjects. For some, the
> knowledge is only half vast. <VBG>
> Ron Van Putte
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Henderson,Eric <mailto:Eric.Henderson at>
>> To: discussion at <mailto:discussion at>
>> Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 9:17 AM
>> Subject: RE: Shaking Up Fuel Bottles?
>> I will use about 20-30 case of 2-c and 4-c fuel a year, in
>> both pattern and sport planes. I know that the fuels should
>> be well mixed and should stay that way but....
>> On multiple occasions I have had engines run fat or smoky
>> (both 2 and 4 -c) when I switched to a "fresh" new can of of
>> fuel. Clearing that tank of the fuel that was in there and
>> refilling with fuel that had been shaken, produced a normal
>> run. Not talking about first run of the day either.
>> Since then I stopped fitting a new bottle every time and
>> began to use a permanent bottle/can on the flight-box and
>> fill from a new can. Never happened again. I think that some
>> oil or higher oil methanol ratio sits at the bottom - that's
>> where the electric pump pick-up is - and you get a mix that
>> gives you a sort of bad run.
>> Once I did try lifting the bottle pick up to half way up the
>> bottle and filled the tank tank that way. It ran normally
>> again. Call it my imagination, tell me it can't happen
>> scientifically, but I'll shake my fuel and also transfer to
>> another can before I use it.
>> To answer the original question it does not seem to cause any
>> harm to do so.(Shake it, that is!)
>> Regards,
>> Eric.
>> P.S. A can that has been opened and 2/3 of the fuel used,
>> sealed and then left for a year, seems to lose its Nitro
>> content and give similar results.
>> From: discussion-request at
>> [mailto:discussion-request at]On Behalf Of Kris Kovanda
>> Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2003 7:05 PM
>> To: discussion at
>> Subject: Re: Shaking Up Fuel Bottles?
>> I don't, But I've only been flying 4 years. I got bad fuel
>> once, so I switched brand and never happened again. What
>> fuel are you using? I just pulled the gallon out of the case
>> and fly. :)
>> Kris Kovanda
>> D3 Pattern
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Don Livermore <mailto:dlivermore at>
>> To: discussion at <mailto:discussion at>
>> Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2003 5:54 PM
>> Subject: Shaking Up Fuel Bottles?
>> Someone who has been racing rc cars for over 20 years and
>> is a very qualified rc guy asked me this week if I had
>> been "shaking" the gallon fuel bottles to mix the
>> ingredients up before using. I had gotten a bad gallon of
>> fuel that was just purchased from a local hobby shop
>> and in questioning him about this is when he asked me the
>> question. I have been doing rc for over ten years and I
>> have never done this or have ever seen anyone doing this.
>> Do any of you out there in "pattern land" do this?
>> Thanks.....Don
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