Re Pattern contest Hollister Calif Nov 1 2003

Troy Newman troy_newman at
Sat Oct 25 18:18:56 AKDT 2003

This is a good flying field guys.....I flew there a ton while in California.....The runway is not as smooth as some but it faces north sorta and the sun is almost never an issue. If you are on the runway you are fine and don't need to worry...We all know how to hit the runway so its a not an issue. Fly over area is flat not trees no rolling hills no really funny stuff when the wind blows....Its a very good practice site....Plus it has a good coach that lives only a couple miles away....And I'll tell you this from flying out there this spring the air is very very tasty at 8am...In fact it was thick and smooth....Felt awesome...I have not flown at any field or any location that describes how perfect the air is at Hollister 8am-10am...Its to die for......

Now watch it be cold and rainy with winds in the 30's Oh well I hope I didn't jinx you guys.

Just my cents worth.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: WHIP23 at 
  To: discussion at 
  Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 10:05 PM
  Subject: Re: Re Pattern contest Hollister Calif Nov 1 2003

  Hi again

  I should add that the morning fog, lately and typically this time of year is on our side (by that I mean there has been none, lately) and the wind is not on our side (by that I mean the afternoons are WINDY).  So, I plan to start early, registration at 8:00 and flying by 9:00.  See ya' there

    Just a reminder!!

      WaveMasters contest, Hollister Calif. is on for one day Nov 1 2003

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