Spoilers for Pattern Planes?????

Ron Van Putte vanputte at cox.net
Mon Nov 10 15:48:25 AKST 2003

On Nov 10, 2003, at 4:16 PM, Henderson,Eric wrote:

>  	Spoilers are usually fitted to the high point of a glider wing. In 
> this case we are talking about raising the trailing edge by using both 
> ailerons and calling them spoilers. Some pilots swear by dropping both 
> the ailerons as flaps.
> The wing behaves differently at different speeds. Raising the ailerons 
> at half throttle will actually cause the plane to climb. Raising the 
> ailerons at slow speeds has the effect of causing the wing to lose 
> some lift and you have to add up elevator to stay level.
> The latter case is what you want because the more the plane presents a 
> high drag, nose-up, profile the more it will slow down. With both the 
> ailerons "up" you also get the advantage of some major washout which 
> allows you to fly slower without tip-stalling.
> I use the spoiler on my "Land" switch to allow me to do slower landing 
> approaches when there is no headwind. It is hard to slow a pattern 
> plane down. Dropping both ailerons allows you to dive steeper without 
> gaining unwanted speed. Raising both ailerons allows you to slow down 
> more on approach without paying the price.
> Neither function like airbrakes :-)
> P.S. On a pattern plane they are great. On My Extra's and CAP 232's 
> they were bad!

Not bad for a non-aerodynamicist!

Eric and I have been known to disagree on occasion, but he's spot on 
regarding this topic.

I also use spoilers on Pattern airplanes and actuate them with the 
retract switch, whether the airplane has retracts or not.

Ron Van Putte
BS, MS, A&AE aeronautical/astronautical engineering

>> From: "Larry Diamond" <jed241 at msn.com>
>> Reply-To: discussion at nsrca.org
>> To: "NSRCA" <discussion at nsrca.org>
>> Subject: Spoilers for Pattern Planes?????
>> Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 18:19:33 -0500
>> OK...Maybe I'm loosing my mind...
>> I had a conversation with an individual that told me I was wrong and 
>> that
>> we don't use nor will ever use spoilers for a pattern plane.
>> I do have at least one e-mail referencing that some folks in New 
>> Jersey
>> have tinkered with this. I seem to recall a number of posts but I 
>> can' find
>> them.
>> What I would like to do, is take the responses (Good / Bad) from this
>> thread to form my own opinion.
>> I have never tried it. But I think it was advise I received from a 
>> thread
>> on trying to control the speed of my landings for short runways. But I
>> really don't recall all the points...
>> Then again, perhaps I have lost my mind...
>> See ya,
>> Larry
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