Mintor 1.7
Roberto Estrada
macro at
Wed Nov 5 14:59:39 AKST 2003
Hi Vicente, like you say, Mintor have better transition between low and high
revolutions because have two plugs.... I want to make a good buy, and think
that I'll have troubles with YS maintenance for two reasons: cost and
I talk about Mintor 1.70 because I 'm about 7500 fsl
About bearings, think it is cheap (more than YS service are), so may be take
the risk.
Where are you?
Luis Roberto
----- Original Message -----
From: <vicenterc at>
To: <discussion at>
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: Mintor 1.7
> Luis:
> I am sorry but this would be in spanish to help Luis.
> Yo tengo el Mintor 1.40. Tiene un anno y ha sido un motor excellente.
Tambien tengo el OS 140 con resultado parecido. El Mintor esta mejor
entonado para ayudar a reducir la velocidad en los vuelos verticales de
bajada ya que tiene dos bujias. Las revoluciones en ralenti pueden ser
approximadamente 200-400 rpm menos que el OS 140. Yo le instale una segunda
bujia al OS y note mejoria. El YS es un motor excellente. Yo tengo dos 140
FZ y me dieron un buen servicio pero requieren mas mantenimiento. Tu tienes
que revisar si puedes obtener repuestos para tomar la decision. El lado
debil de Mintor o OS es la vida de las rolineras. Sin embargo el Mintor 170
tinen dos ileras de rolineras y no debe tener problemas. La solucion es
installar rolineras de acero inoxidable. Otor factor es combustible. En el
YS es necesario usar 25-30% nitro. Con el Mintor o OS puedes bajar a 10-15%
nitro dependiendo de la humedad y la temperatura.
> OK I will tranlate when I have chance. Try to guess.
> Vicente
> > Hi, I'm happy of be a NSRCA member (just one month a go) and is great
> > my name at K-factor (october). Hope can learn too much of you great
> > (sorry about my english)
> >
> > I want to know your opinion about the Mintor 1.7 with Mintor carbon
> >
> > I want to buy a very good engine for my first 2x2 pattern plane and real
> > hope good performance.
> >
> > I'm looking to YS (too much money), Webra 1.45, OS 1.40 and OS 1.60
> > some troubles for best performance I think, but the best in price)
> >
> > I'm in Mexico, and my club is about 7,500 fsl.
> >
> > Thank's for help.
> >
> > Luis Diaz
> >
> >
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