Modelltechnik Rhapsody

Morten Laugesen morten at
Thu May 22 13:33:34 AKDT 2003

Hi Jason,

Well I'm the one who's building the Rhapsody... The web-site address for the English version of the
building article is:

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

The article haven't been updated for a while, but I hope to do something about that next week.

I was actually going to do the maiden flight this afternoon, but engine trouble and a broken pipe
mount stopped that... Mintor 3M-170 in the nose of it by the way, using a new type of Greve pipe
with 49mm diameter...

I mounted the 3M-170 in the test bench tonight and got the settings dialled in.  I think the power
should be enough ;-)

Best regards,
Morten Laugesen

e-mail: morten at
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jason" <jshulman at>
To: "NSRCA" <discussion at>
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2003 9:24 PM
Subject: Modelltechnik Rhapsody

> Did someone post something about having one of these a little while ago? If
> so, can someone steer me to the site again.
> Thanks,
> Jason
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