Color Schemes, the good the bad and the visible

Jerry Voth jjvoth at
Thu Mar 6 07:26:57 AKST 2003

After reading my post, I should add that it mades it easier to see the wing on landing approach when the leading edge is half light and haf dark.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jerry Voth 
  To: discussion at 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 3:53 PM
  Subject: Re: Color Schemes, the good the bad and the visible

  One thing I do is make the leading edge of the wing half light and half dark. I usually practice in the evening and an all light leading edge is hard to see against the sky and a dark leading edge is hard to see against a tree line. 

  Jerry Voth
  AMA 82882
  NSRCA 1073----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Keith Black 
    To: discussion at 
    Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 11:30 PM
    Subject: Color Schemes, the good the bad and the visible

    I'm trying to decide on a color scheme for my new Aries. In doing so my first requirement is that it be easy to see and easy to determine orientation (level wings, etc.). After that comes aesthetics.

    I would think as technical as pattern flyers are many hours have been spent on studying this topic and I'm curious as to what knowledge the members have to share on this subject.

    In looking at a many photos of modern pattern planes I've noticed the following couple of points that perhaps someone can comment on. Is this for form or function?

    1. Many planes have a "wedge" of color on the top root of the wing next to the fuse. In almost every case the wedge is wider at the front and narrow at the back, many times coming to a point in the back. This wedge seems to be used both on planes where the rest of the wing has lengthwise strips and planes where the rest of the wing has a starburst. Does this wedge of color at the wing root help visually in any way?

    2. Quite a few planes seem to leave a white leading edge. For example, the traditional starburst pattern that flares out to the wing tip is often and often times does not include the leading edge. In other words, a strip on the leading edge left white (or the base color). Does this help in visibility?

    I would think there's an entire science behind paint schemes, colors and visibility, I'd love to learn more on this topic.

    Keith Black 
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