Digital servos needing expo

Troy Newman troy_newman at
Thu Jul 31 19:01:46 AKDT 2003

Maybe you need to reduce the throw a little too....See the analog servos will act a little like expo because of the blowback...or the mushiness...With the precision of the digitals you are actually feeling what the servo is intended to do.....I first looked at expo when I switched...but then I found my rates were about 10-15% too high also.....

I was going from a Futaba 9202 to the JR 8231's at the what a huge difference....I tried the Futaba 9250 which I think is gone now and man alive the 8231's were more solid....That is when I switched to all JR servos...then a year later made the switch on the RF equipment...I have been a very happy camper for 4 years now.

The current setup I use is:

Ailerons 9411(SA)...small midsize servo 1.25oz fits in any pattern wing perfectly flush and doesn't have the huge footprint or weight of the "aileron" servos

Elevator 8411SA or 8417(SA) both are good..the 8417 is a little faster and depending on the model it can help snap exits....

Rudder 8411SA is the beast and works like a gear train slop and lasts hundreds of flight on rudder. Its the power house and for its size and precision beats the other brands hands down. I know of 2 different guys finalists in Masters at the NATS that switched to 8411SA's on the rudder and the comment was amazing...point rolls, snaps, and even inverted pushes with rudder input to correct the line were better and easier. Both guys told me last year and one this year.

This is what I have found trying to run the best equipment for me and the job at hand.
I know other manufacturers products are good also....This not an indictment of another's products....Just what I have found works the best for me. And yes Team JR is one of the companies that helps me out. I just want to be above board and honest. On the other hand I choose JR for the quality of their products and the advantage they have over other products....If another product would give me an edge I would use it!

Lots of Pattern guys use JR digitals with their Futaba TX and RX speaks to the quality and value of the products.

Troy Newman
Team JR
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: John Gausby 
  To: discussion, nsrca 
  Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 10:45 PM
  Subject: Digital servos needing expo

  I tried digitals for the first time this year in my SPA Daddy Rabbit as a test. The plane originally had JR 4131's. I also had to add a TON of expo to smooth it out.( Correction....Smooth me out)  . About double the amount that i had for the 4131's..............Now i see that everybody else has done the same..............INTERESTING.......................John

  John Gausby
  humptybumpty at
  Why Wait? Move to EarthLink.

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