avoidance rule

John Crozier sjcrozier at comcast.net
Wed Jan 29 13:15:09 AKST 2003

O.K. It's quiet...I'll open a can of worms.
At my very first pattern contest I was starting the second of three
consecutive loops when I realized I was doing the maneuver in concert with
the other flyer, in essentially the same air space.
 I shouted "avoidance" and pulled out.
 Having flown some IMAC, I thought I would perform the previous maneuver (un
scored) and enter three loops again.
One of the judges very kindly, almost apologetically, told me to resume the
sequence with one loop and continue, but I would get a zero for the three
con. loop maneuver.
 I was a novice,  and assumed (there's that word again) there was an
avoidance rule in place.
The downside of such a rule is obvious..A flyer performing a crappie
maneuver could shout "avoidance" if there was another plane in the vicinity,
and get a new entry.
Although.......  I have handled the Tx impound at the IMAC nats for several
years and have not seen any such violations.
There are, however, a few avoidance calls every year....croz

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