Judging behaviour

Ron Van Putte vanputte at nuc.net
Fri Jan 24 08:23:56 AKST 2003

Tony Stillman wrote:

>We do that.  It's called the NSRCA Judge Certification Program.  I just wish we could do it for international judges at a World Championships..
Nah.  We can't do that.  It would demonstrate our 'insensitivity' to 
incompetent judges.  To even suggest it would result in reprisals from 
the offended judges.

Ron Van Putte

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "GREEN, DOUG" <doug.green at bell.ca>
>To: <discussion at nsrca.org>
>Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 9:27 AM
>Subject: Re: Judging behaviour
>>How about a written test to demonstrate that the judge is qualified?
>>An open book test would show that the judge had at least read the rules
>>and knew where to find the relevant information.
>>Pass mark required 90%?
>>Requiring judges to undergo testing would improve their knowledge base
>>and ability to judge.

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