Fires in Canberra_off topic

Arthur Morton jrmmorton at
Thu Jan 23 18:51:07 AKST 2003


I just returned from Holiday in Sydney yesterday and the smoke made my 
eyes water and reduced visibility all the way out to the Blue Mountains. 
Everywhere we visited from Tasmania, Melbourne and Sydney there were 
signs of the drought you are going through (for several years I was 
told). Hopefully the drought will end soon as well as the fires. Our 
thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Ray Morton

Koenig, Tom wrote:

>Hi all,
>Some of you may know me from lurking around here from time to time.
>I'm not sure how many of you around the world have seen the devastation and
>trauma that so many have suffered in my part of the world. I live in
>Canberra ( Australia) and sofar I am one of the lucky ones. At this point my
>house is still standing. However the weekend forecast is very worrying, with
>winds predicted to swing around again and with it, extreme temperatures. My
>elderly fathers farm is on the outskirts of town...right in the path of one
>of the still out of control fires. Once it roars through there, it is in the
>suburbs again and possibly my house. We are packed and ready to leave should
>I have to pull back from fighting at Dads and need to evacuate my family.
>Strange as it may sound..I actually had room to pack my F3A model.
>Some of you may have experienced something like this before, but I cannot
>describe the ferocity of these fires. Cars were overturned from its
>strength, tumbling like leaves. Houses spontaneously erupting in flames. I
>feel like I have seen the flames of Hell . It was unbelievable. 
>I had better go as my employer is the local utility provider and we are flat
>out trying to restore essential services to the people of this city.
>We are all praying that this weekends weather will spare the sofar other
>untouched areas of this does however look bleak.
>Please spare a thought for the hundreds of families that have lost
>everything these last few days.
>See you all on the list as soon as I can
>10's to you all 
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