
george kennie geobet at gis.net
Thu Jan 16 08:39:10 AKST 2003

The other day I needed to put a coat of Concept Primer on the center
section of my new wing so I went to my trusty paint box and pulled out
the can of primer and stirred it up well, but when I opened the K-201
catalyst it was about 1/4 full and had become a block of plexiglass in
the bottom of the can.I knew I would have to wait about 6 days to get
more from Brown so I decided to experiment. I had plenty of DU-5, but it
mixes differently than K-201, but I decided to try it anyway.For the mix
ratio I used the TLAR method and hoped for the best. I tested it first
on the back of a piece of card stock and it dried in about 3-4 minutes
and looked O.K.  I then went ahead and painted the area under
consideration and it too dried in a short period and when I sanded it
the results appeared to be the same as if I had used K-201. I'm sure the
manufacturer would certainly frown on this procedure, but I think when
you're desperate this may be a viable alternative.

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