Some Advice/Mentoring an 18yo HS Senior

Keith Hoard khoard at
Fri Feb 14 06:04:29 AKST 2003

I'd explain that the reality of the situation is that the majority of the
next 10 weeks needs to be used for flight instruction, not building a kit,
especially with all of the other demands on her time.  I'd recommend
building a kit for her second airplane (assuming her interest continues
after soloing) and find an ARF trainer right now.  You can get the "whole
shebang in a box" Hobbico trainer (I'd recommend the 60 size) at your local
hobby shop and just let her use your field equipment.  The balance of the
money should go back into her college fund.

Just my $0.02. . . .

Keith L. Hoard
Cordova, TN
khoard at

"Going to war without the French is like...boarding a submarine without a

>Her first mentor quit
> on her about two weeks ago, and left her hanging with no plan and
> only 10 weeks or so to get this accomplished.

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