A Different Experience

Rcmaster199 at aol.com Rcmaster199 at aol.com
Sun Feb 9 15:09:21 AKST 2003

I was leafing through the February MA when, in Letters to the Editor, my eye 
caught Tom Shaw's letter. You remember Tom's posting on this board a few 
months ago. It was in regard to one of the MA columnists printing someone's 
version of a bad experience at a Pattern contest, and Tom essentially stated 
that his experience at a Pattern contest was a good one.

Well, as memory serves, it was suggested by a few that Tom send a letter to 
the Editor of MA, to explain his experience, and take the opposite stance of 
that particular article in MA.

Tom did exactly that, in a nicely written note that put no one person down, 
and I want to be the first to thank him publicly for his conviction. 

Well done Tom and welcome to Pattern. We need more like you

Matt Kebabjian
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