Change and effect... and a cause!

Ron Van Putte vanputte at
Sun Aug 10 08:51:16 AKDT 2003

JOddino wrote:

> I agree with Erik that the judges don't care what engine you are 
> using, but if your plane is struggling, you might as well pack it up.
> I don't agree that you need to be a pro and I believe the great pilot 
> with a enough resources to demonstrate his potential can get 
> sponsorship if he wants it.
> I believe this electric thing could be a great thing for pattern for 
> many reasons.  But it still gets down to power.  If it is measurably 
> better power wise and can meet the other requirements, people will buy 
> it. 

I agree almost entirely.  My sole disagreement is that there are a lot 
of judges out there who don't understand what the rules actually say. 
 For example, I believe that there are many judges who will score a 
Stall Turn higher if there's a long vertical after the 1/4 loop, even 
though all that's required by the rules is demonstration of a vertical 
line.  This was really evident back when 4-stroke 1.20s were first 
competing head-to-head with 2-stroke 60s.  There are quite a few other 
maneuvers which will score higher if they are done "bigger and more 
manly" when the rule book doesn't require it.

Ron Van Putte

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