Mintor 140 Bearings

VicenteRC vicenterc at
Mon Aug 4 08:02:31 AKDT 2003

I have three questions.  

1. - Is the Mintor 140 bearings same size of the OS 140RX bearings?
2. - The original bearings is these engines didn't last too long.  Yes, 
I have both engines.  I estimated less than 50 flies each.  Clearly, 
corrosion was the problem.  I already installed a new SS bearing on the 
OS 140 RX.  I have a spare bearing that I hope I can use in the Mintor 
140.  The second question is: What is the approximate life of the SS 
3. - Does it make sense to install ceramic bearings to improve the life?

I switched this year to 2C and looks like I am doing something very 
wrong.  I know that I am not following the Mintor instructions "run or 
flush the engine with 0% nitro fuel is you don't use the engine for 
more than one week"

Thanks in advance,

Vicente Bortone

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