What are the odds???

Bob Kane getterflash at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 2 17:50:42 AKDT 2003

I'm really sorry to hear about your loss. Verne Koester and I were playing "how close can you get" during our last round at the RCCD contest today. I was surprised how often the Masters and Advanced sequences put us in the same part of the sky.

FlyFutabaGuy at aol.com wrote:Yesterday, during our annual fun day for the ARC (association of retarded citizens) fun day. I was coming in to land the trainer I was flying the kids on, and I mid-aired Gordon Anderson, who was also flying a trainer. Luckily I got mine back, Gordon's was a little lift impaired with 1/2 a wing and didn't get his out of the flat spin.. This was the first mid-air I have ever seen... Today, practicing pattern, my dad took his Olympian off, and on the procedure turn mid-aired with Dennis Cone, another local pattern pilot. Both planes destroyed.... WHAT ARE THE ODDS??? think we should take a week off to let the curse wear off??

-Brett Bowen
District 8 Advanced 

Bob Kane
getterflash at yahoo.com

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