K-Factor Pattern an invisible group

ANDY HERIDER andyh at bright.net
Thu Oct 31 17:26:10 AKST 2002

Hey Everybody,

I have been observing the survey Bob created. I am not buying the "Equipment is to expensive to be competitive" excuse. What determines too expensive? It is something inside each of us that says "I wouldn't pay that much for that". You know, we've all been over at a buddy's house and he/she pulls out a hobby item of their choice, they tell us how much they paid for it and under our breath we say "I wouldn't have gave $2 for that thing." Everyone has their passions. 

I have three patternships. They are not new by any stretch of the imagination but they are what I would call competitive up to advanced class. The most I paid for one plane was $1,200.00 and that was ready to fly except for battery pack and reciever. I have a 8103 JR for around $400 I think, it wasn't much more if it was that much.

Now it all boils down to this..... if you are serious about something and really want to do it you will find a way to finance it. I also used to own a show car too. You want to talk about expenses!! These guys complaining about money in model airplanes ought to buy a show car and try to keep it in that "show car"  condition. Well I found out real quick that owning a show car was no longer a passion because I didn't enjoy saving and spending money on it. 
So, if someone says it is too expensive to fly pattern I don't buy it. I believe that they may be interested in it but not enough to spend the time or money it takes to get started. BTW, a person could get started in the sportsman class for less than $500.00 and that is plane, radio, and engine. If you drink soda pop and buy a NR bottle a day for a year that is almost enough to get started. We all make sacrifices to do what we want to do the most. I have been in this hobby for a long time and I have never met a stuck up or jerkish person yet. I love to have people come and ask me questions mostly because I would like to see people enjoy pattern as much as I do. Maybe if we have bad experiences we need to examine ourselves before we point the finger at others.

Thats my $.50 worth,
Andy Herider
AMA  70491
NSRCA 2212

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