K-Factor Pattern an invisible group

GeorgeF. av8tor at flash.net
Thu Oct 31 13:04:10 AKST 2002

>In our area alone I know of at least five people who would have attended 
>the NAT's last year except they were slightly over weight. So I know that 
>changeing the limit could possibly increase NAT's participation.
>As I stated before the weight change could possibly cut cost and increase 
>our numbers.

How about this rule change:  10 lbs planes Max, 0.61 2-Strokes or 1.20 
4-Strokes  There are more planes in that range then in any other 
range.   This would make more planes competitive and reduce the actual and 
Perceived cost of being a competitive pattern flier.

Ops, I forgot, the above rules did exist, they existed at a time when 
pattern contests drew more pilots then they do now..


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