Masters 2005 Options

Lee Davis lee at
Thu Oct 24 11:33:41 AKDT 2002

I think it is *very* important for NSRCA to provide input to AMA for rules
and flight routines.  It is the one and only voice for Pattern pilots as a

There was an announcement and time given months ago for anyone to submit
routines for Masters on this very list.  A number of them were discussed
right here.

If someone wants to submit something else now, have at it, it's your right,
but no one was excluded from the process of the current submission from

Ron, perhaps if you bothered to join NSRCA you would see the vast
improvements made over the last several years to reach out and promote to
the R/C modeling public at large.  I have the nothing but praise for the
recent administration and staff.  I'm trying to say something that doesn't
come of as rude or petty, but Monday morning quarterbacks comes to mind.
It's easy to criticize from the sidelines.

Lee Davis
Piedmont Models

----- Original Message -----
From: "Williams, Ron" <rwilliams at>
To: <discussion at>
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 2:37 PM
Subject: RE: Masters 2005 Options

> I try to stay out of this type of discussion and just fly pattern.  That
is why you most likely have never seen my name post here.  I have followed
this list for several years and could not keep quit any longer.  I want to
thank Troy for saying publicly what I feel several people are saying
privately.  I am one of the people who are no longer a current member of the
NSRCA but do fly pattern, attend several contests a year and belong to the
AMA.  Troy is correct.  The goal of the NSRCA is to promote the future of RC
Aerobatics.  This is not what I feel has been the focus the last few years.
The last time the patterns were changed a back room deal was made by the
leadership of the NSRCA to change the membership-approved patterns.  The
explanation was that it had to be done or it would not have passed.  To me
this was an insult to anyone flying in that class that our leadership agreed
with.  There are several times on that comments are made on this list
stating that people like myself who do not belong to the NSRCA should have
no say in the future direction.  No wonder people think we feel we are
better than everyone else.
> I agree with Troy, anyone who belongs to the AMA should be able to present
a set of maneuvers to the AMA for approval.   The current president of the
NSRCA going on a public list chastising this individual for doing this is
wrong.  We need to promote the hobby to new people not promote personal
agendas.  Our local area is also growing like Troy mentions his is.  I can
also tell you that most of them have no idea who the NSRCA is or care.  They
are AMA members who want to fly aerobatics.  Hopefully the NSRCA will soon
return to better times and we can begin to promote the hobby not try to take
it over.  I agree, our future is bright and all the new equipment keeps
making it better.
> This message is not intended to upset anyone or is it intended to be a
personal attack on anyone.  I hope it does not come across as such.  It is
just my opinion.
> Ron Williams

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