A Money Saving Though...Re: K-Factor Status

Thomas C. Weedon weedon at wwnet.net
Mon Nov 4 02:00:53 AKST 2002

This idea has already been examined. Here's the problem. In the printing
world, the are certain costs that translate to volume. For instance, it is
cheaper to print 1000 volumes than it is to print 600 or 800 volumes. I've
been told that by several printers. There are several other processes for
printing that could save money, but the quality would suffer. So if half of
the members wanted to get an e-copy of the K-Factor, we wouldn't be saving
that much on the printing costs, just on the mailing costs.

Next, since we now have the web database, no one needs to lick labels and
stick them on the magazines. That was one of Eric Hawkenson's biggest
headaches because him and his wife would lick and stick a 1000 issues every
month and it took almost a whole work day out of his month. Now it is done
automatically by the software from a file off our database. We had a hell of
a fight to get some to realize that we needed to move to the 21st century
with this on line database.

The most immediate way to cut costs would be to reduce the number of issues
per year, like 6 or 8. The savings would be more than enough to keep dues
down and the workload for everyone concerned would be decreased.

Tom W.

-----Original Message-----
From: discussion-request at nsrca.org
[mailto:discussion-request at nsrca.org]On Behalf Of GeorgeF.
Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 9:37 AM
To: discussion at nsrca.org
Subject: A Money Saving Though...Re: K-Factor Status

Here's a money saving thought.   Here is a way in which the NSRCA can
reduce the dues and NOT give up any services or benefits offered to any of
its members.

At renewal time offer two membership rates.  One rate would be for those
who wish to receive a hardcopy of the K-Factor mailed to them each
month.  The other reduced rate would be for those who wish to NOT receive a
K-Factor but would rather download it off the website.

If it costs the NSRCA $2.00 per issue to send out the K-Factor then you
could reduce the dues by $10-$20 per member and the NSRCA would not be
loosing any profit.   This would also reduce the workload of those who need
to address, apply postage to, and send out each K-Factor.  I bet if you
would offer this to the members at least 100 out of the 800 current members
would elect this option.  Also you might get more new members if the dues
were $10-$20 less than what they are now.  I think you would retain more of
the current members who no longer fly pattern as they can more easily see
spending $20.00 for NSRCA membership then spending $30 while still
receiving the benefits of downloading a full color version of the K-Factor


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