A Money Saving Though...Re: K-Factor Status

GeorgeF. av8tor at flash.net
Sun Nov 3 08:01:01 AKST 2002

At 11:32 AM 11/3/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>--On Sunday, November 03, 2002 11:02 AM -0500 "GeorgeF." 
><av8tor at flash.net> wrote:
> > Ok, then let's have someone give us the actual cost of one issue ...
>While waiting for some facts to come in from elsewhere,
>let me tell you the example that I know of first-hand.
>The publisher of the Polanyi Society journal sends out
>about 100 free copies because doing so SAVES us
>postage costs.  We need to be above some magic number
>(300?) in order to qualify for a particular bulk rate.
>It's cheaper for him to print and mail the extra
>copies than to mail only to dues-paying members.
>I don't know whether the same holds for the NSRCA,
>of course.
>                                         Marty #2874

I don't think the K-Factor was bulk mailed, if I recall they just put First 
Class postage on them.

Regarding bulk mail.  I've done bulk mailings before.   And if I remember 
correctly you need so many pieces going to the same zipcode before 
qualifying.   Once you have so many pieces going to the same zip then you 
can add in what's called "mixed states".   If you don't have the qualifying 
number of pieces going to the same zip then your mixed state price is 
nearly that of first class.

Its been 6 years since I've done bulk mailings but that is what I can 
remember from them.


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